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Lab Members


Dr Alex Corbett
Group Leader

Alex obtained MSci (Natural Sciences) and PhD (Engineering) degrees from the University of Cambridge in 2002 and 2008 respectively. Alex has conducted research in both academic and industrial settings, working with startups and multinationals. After four years of postdoctoral research in advanced optical microscopy at the University of Oxford, Alex joined the University of Exeter in 2016 and became Senior Lecturer in 2020. 

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Dr Cameron Gallagher
Research, Innovation and Technology Transfer Fellow

Cameron is an experimental physicist that has experience working on electromagnetic metamaterials and magneto-dielectric composites. Cameron joined Corbett Lab in 2024 to develop a system for direct laser writing broadband fluorescent features into microscope slides. These microscope slides can then be used for image correction and calibration.

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Dr Michele Gintoli
Research Fellow

Michele joined the lab in 2018 to construct an optical sectioning remote focusing microscope. Michele was central to the development of the spinning-disk remote focusing (SD-RF) microscope from design to construction to performance testing and data capture. Michele is now working in the group of Prof Ivo Vellekoop at the University of Twente.    

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Sharika Mohanan
Postgraduate Researcher

Sharika began her PhD studies in the lab 2018. Sharika has investigated many aspects of remote focusing both theoretically (analytically and simulation) and experimentally (constructing her own remote focusing system). Sharika (now Dr Mohanan) completed her studies in 2022 and is now based in the lab of Caroline Mullenbrioch at the University of Glasgow. 


Dr Jeremy Metz
Consultant Software Engineer

Jeremy has authored the PyCalibrate image processing software, accessible through Jeremy is a data science consultant focussing on computational image analysis.  Jerermy has a PhD in quantum optics and quantum computation and MSci in Physics and has extensive expertise in C++, Python, Javascript, and Matlab.

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Elene Lominadze
RMS Summer Student

Elene received one of six studentships awarded nationally by the Royal Microscopical Society (RMS). Elene spent the summer of 2021 applying automated image analysis routines to videos of sea worm larvae captured on the Multiscope system. Elene returned to UCL to compete her UG studies. 


Natalie Wood 
Natural Sciences project student

Natalie's BSc project used a customised Python script to identify sea worm larvae from Multiscope images using an adaptive thresholding method. Larvae could then be uniquely identified and differences in feeding patterns accurately determined in the presence of neuropeptides. 
Jointly supervised with Dr Liz Williams and Dr Dave Horsell 


Giles Rennie, Catherine Toolan, Matt Gowar and Joel Barratt
MSc (Physics) project students

This project investigated the use of Schlieren imaging for the identification and analysis of phase objects, specifically microplastics in water. Jointly supervised with Dr Dave Horsell 

Masters Projects


(L-R) Felix Haigh, Lois Mattingly, Daniel Collins and Ross Adolph (not shown)
MSc (Physics) project students

Investigating the use of laser speckle as a means of imaging moving translucent specimens. 

CONTACT a.corbett(at)

©2022 by Corbett Lab

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